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AI Midjourney debate with photographers arguing if it's art PRO EDU

Why Photographers Should Use Artificial Intelligence In Art

Who would have known? A hot new artist in town and their name is Artificial Intelligence. This mysterious figure has everyone debating the concept of computer-generated art, but AI isn't here to se...

reverse portrait compositing for portraiture and photographers. PRO EDU is the #1 cinema4d tutorial courses for artists to learn online.

How Does CGI Compare To Photography?

When you look at a photo, what do you see? For most people, the answer is a physical representation of reality. But what about CGI? What if I told you that the images from a camera are really no di...

The best CGI tutorials and resources guide 2021

The Top CGI Tutorials And Resources | The Best Guide 2021

THE TOP LIST TO 3D EDUCATION FOR 2021 Whether you're just learning the basics of CGI or have been in this space for some time, it can be challenging to find good resources and training throughout ...

why you should learn composite photography PRO EDU tutorial

Why You Should Learn Composite Photography

Composite photography is one of the most popular approaches to creative image-making, but some photographers are still hesitant to jump on board. Learning how to combine multiple images can be conf...

Depth of field realism in Adobe Photoshop CGI tutorials PRO EDU

Zdepth Pass in 3D: Compositing Depth of Field in Photoshop

Depth of field is a fantastic way to bring added realism to your 3d renders when working with scenes that include background and foreground elements or working on macro-level detail shots!

How to shoot products on white background - Photography Tutorial PRO EDU

A-Z Guide For White Backgrounds for CGI Product Photography

Infinite white studio backgrounds are great for eCommerce renders and showcasing products in an elegant yet simple way. Let's talk about a method to set up your CGI photo studio in Cinema 4D and Oc...

how to fixe fireflies in 3d renders

How To Fix Fireflies in 3d Renders: Post Production Using Photoshop

When compositing render layers, there can be problems worth solving during post-production rather than in your 3D software. Fireflies are one of those artifacts that we get from time to time with ...

How to create a selections library in Adobe Photoshop - PRO EDU

Create Selection Libraries for Photoshop With Alpha Channels

As a composite photographer, one of the most tedious parts of post-production can be dealing with selecting and masking both the subject(s) and elements of a scene. One of my favorite parts about ...

perspective focal length change in Cinema 4d cgi tutorial

How To Change Perspective Focal Length In Cinema 4D

When working as a 3D artist, there are times that I like to change the focal length of my perspective viewport to match something similar to my final camera. Though this isn't always the case, it h...