Learning to Light Day Exteriors

Sale price€32,95 EUR Regular price €165,95 EUR

This tutorial is designed to help you light day exteriors like a pro. Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through his 25 years of experience in the art of lighting and balancing day exterior work. You'll learn how to use natural and artificial light to achieve beautiful results, regardless of the time of day. With this tutorial, you'll be able to speed up your workflow, expand your skill set, and gain confidence while shooting outside.

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Learning to Light Day Exteriors

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Learn How To Light Day Exteriors From A DP

The Lighting Day Exteriors Tutorial was created by Shane Hurlbut, ASC to demystify the art of using natural and artificial light in day environments. Shane reveals his playbook that has taken him over 25 years to perfect in the art of lighting and balancing day exterior work.

Learn Motion and Filmmaking

Using his proven methodology, this tutorial gives you the necessary tools to increase your speed, expand your skill set, and help gain confidence while shooting outside.

Gain Confidence Shooting Outside

Day exterior lighting is hard to do. The sun moves fast and the light changes quickly, so you have to be prepared for anything. You can't just wing it like you can with night exteriors. And there are a lot of mistakes that people make when trying to shoot day exteriors, which leads them to get frustrated and give up on this type of photography altogether. We've put together this tutorial for anyone who wants better results from their day exterior shoots. Shane Hurlbut breaks down his process into easy-to-follow steps that will help you master your skills in no time at all! By following these simple principles, you'll be able to create stunning images while still enjoying the shoot itself instead of worrying about not getting it right or wasting time on set troubleshooting issues in post-production edits later on. Join the PRO PLAN to gain access to this tutorial.



So cool PRO EDU is partnering with Shane Hurlbut!

Travis C.

Shane is truly a master of his craft and this was amazing bonus to see in the PRO PLAN.

Nick T.

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ABOUT Shane Hurlbut

Shane Hurlbut, ASC is a world-renowned cinematographer whose films have garnered universal acclaim. Hurlbut studied film at Emerson College, and graduated with a degree in film and television in 1986. With nearly 40 years of experience in the industry, Hurlbut is a pioneer in many genres including action, sports, drama and comedy. He is an expert in creatively lighting a scene to bring emotion to the storyline and character personalities. His extraordinary visuals have helped him climb his way to becoming an expert consultant and keynote speaker to film maker directors and producers.

blocking and lighting with shane hurlbut

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